
View the Canon Story

The complete collection of Fartherall story canon works approved to date

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Read up on the Fartherall universe and make your own contributions to this expanding world of stories.

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Apply for Canon Status

Want your own Fartherall story or creation to be an official part of the story? Begin the process here! Projects welcome at any stage of development.


What is the Shared Cinematic License Agreement?

The World of Fartherall isn’t locked behind traditional copyright restrictions. Instead, we all play by a set of simple, shared rules. Every work is released under our Fartherall Shared Cinematic Universe License & Agreement, allowing broad rights to remix, imagine anew, and play. Do what you want with your creation, and then get excited about how others remix it into one big, collaborative story.

Fartherall Shared Cinematic Universe License & Agreement v1.1


  1. The Fartherall series of programs, including JourneyQuest and The Gamers series were first produced and put out into the Universe in 2002 by Dead Gentlemen Productions LLC (“DG”) based on Intellectual Property by Matt Vancil.
    A. Matt Vancil created Fartherall from scratch. As creator, Matt Vancil owns the copyrights to Fartherall and its creative elements.
    B. DG is a wholly owned subsidiary of Zombie Orpheus Entertainment LLC (“ZOE”). ZOE and DG welcomes viewers, of course. The more JourneyQuest and The Gamers viewers, the better. Expand the community. Tell your friends.
    C. Matt Vancil, DG, and ZOE, quite unusually, welcome community members to create their own original variations, adaptations, and spin-offs set in Fartherall, provided that the new creators agree to all of the following terms.


  1. You affirm your understanding that ZOE, as the owner of DG, owns the copyright to all the JourneyQuest and The Gamers episodes that ZOE or DG has already created or will create. Additionally, Matt Vancil owns the intellectual property to the world of Fartherall. Combined, this includes the stories, scripts, characters, dialogue, designs, costumes, make-up, props, cinematography, music and everything else that goes into any motion picture.
  2. Matt Vancil, ZOE and DG grant you a conditional, free, non-exclusive license to make and distribute your own variations, adaptations or spin-offs set in the world of Fartherall. Really. You own the copyright to your creation, as a derivative work based in Fartherall. This explicitly includes video, the written word, live theater, music, the visual arts, and dramatic entertainments.
  3. BUT, “Share-Alike” applies. It’s a condition of your license. You must expressly allow other folks to make free use of whatever you create for further variations, adaptations or spin-offs in the world of Fartherall including use of whatever new elements you create. That means that you must include or link to this license and state explicitly that your work is released under the terms of the Fartherall Shared Cinematic Universe License & Agreement. If you don’t “Share-Alike,” you lose your license.
  4. “Attribution” also applies. It’s a condition of your license. You have to give prominent credit to Matt Vancil, to Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, to Dead Gentlemen, and to the creators of any subsequent work you use to make your work. And you have to give prominent on-line links to the Fartherall web-site and to the web-sites of any other works that you used to make your work. Crediting third-party works is by necessity a good faith effort—as more works by more creators are created using this license, it is possible that tracing originating works may become difficult. Keep an online record of the credits for your work that can updated as necessary with missing third-party credits. (The Fartherall Wiki is a good place to list your project and credited works.) If you don’t give “Attribution,” you lose your license.
  5. “Transformation” counts too. It’s a condition of your license. You can’t just copy all or parts of works based in Fartherall or someone else’s work. You have to create something original. In other words, we welcome you to create a transformative work, that uses but is not a mere copy of Fartherall or someone else’s work.
  6. “Integrity” is required. It’s a condition of your license. Be careful and smart when you create your work. The license from Matt Vancil doesn’t mean that all new elements you use are OK. Don’t rip off anyone! For example, if you add new characters, or you add music, or you use a new story line, or you use someone else’s trademarks, artworks or words in your work, be sure they are original or that you get written permission from the copyright owners of those new elements. You agree to be solely responsible for claims and damages if you don’t have the integrity to do this right, and that includes indemnifying others who thereafter use any of your elements to create their own new works.
  7. “Keep It Clean.” It’s a condition of your license. If Matt Vancil perceives your derivative work to be hateful, racist, or misogynist, Matt Vancil reserves the right to void your license and you agree that, among other remedies, Matt Vancil can compel the immediate removal of the Fartherall name from your work or (in extreme cases) the immediate removal of the work from distribution.
  8. “Fartherall CANON STATUS” – If you’d like your creation to be recognized as part of the official Fartherall Canon, you must acquire approval from Matt Vancil’s Fartherall Story Team before, during, or after you create your work. FARTHERALL Canon Status will be granted at Matt Vancil’s discretion based on the Story Team’s determination that your completed work fits creatively within the overall narrative of the FARTHERALL universe as conceived by Matt Vancil. Yes, this is vague—but we can’t make it more specific. It’s at Matt Vancil’s discretion. The advantage of receiving FARTHERALL Canon Status is you can use the FARTHERALL Canon logo on your work and be an official part of the story. If you generate any profits from your FARTHERALL Canon work you agree to give Matt Vancil 10% of your net profits. Your accounting and payments should be done as revenue comes in but let’s face it, Matt Vancil is not likely to sue you if you haven’t paid a hundred dollars. You are becoming a member of a community and we rely upon you to do the right thing for the community. If you seem to be cheating, Matt Vancil can at his discretion revoke your Canon Status.
  9. “Limits on Re-use.” It’s a condition of your license. This license does not grant you the right to use or license any Fartherall footage, other than what is wholly original with or created by you, for broadcast television, cable television, theatrical exhibitions (except at conventions and festivals), subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) services, “over the top” delivery services (e.g. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon), the written word, graphic novels, live theater, music, the visual arts, and/or dramatic entertainments, without getting explicit written permission from all the copyright holders. Violation of this obligation will revoke your license and you will be responsible for any claims arising from your violation, including without limitation any claims from any entertainment industry union or guild.
  10. Your attribution must take the following form:

Fartherall London: The Plague Years is copyright ©2018 John Doe and is released under the terms of Fartherall Shared Cinematic Universe License and Agreement:
Attribution: This work is based on Fartherall, copyright ©2018 Matt Vancil, and reuses content from The Gamers: The Shadow Menace, copyright @2018 Dead Gentlemen Productions.
Share-alike: You are free to use, remix, and transform this work in the creation of your original Fartherall stories and projects, subject to the Fartherall Shared Cinematic Universe License & Agreement

Learn more at http://scu.la/Fartherall.

(And, if approved by the Fartherall Story Team)

FARTHERALL CANON: Fartherall London: The Plague Years has been approved as an official part of the Fartherall Shared Cinematic Universe story.

Printed works must also reproduce this complete license in their text.

This is an effort at a plain-English agreement but don’t misunderstand. This is a contract. If you don’t understand what is said, get professional advice. If you agree to all the terms and conditions set forth above, then show your acceptance by printing and emailing a signed and dated copy of this license agreement to mattvancil@gmail.com and to syndication+scula@zombieorpheus.com.

SCULA v1.1 – 24 July 2024